
How to Treat Quails from age 30 Days Until Unproductive

How to Treat Quails from age 30 Days Until Unproductive
How to Treat Quails from age 30 Days Until Unproductive - From the age of 30 days, Quail needs to be moved to special coop for egging.
The food is still using the starter broiler chicken until the age of 45 days.
When reaching 45 Days, usually Quails start to lay egg.
From this time their food can be mixed with special food for Quail with ratio:
  1. Age 46 days
    5 Kgs starter food - 1 Kg Quail food
  2. Age 47 days
    4 Kgs starter food - 2 Kgs Quail food
  3. Age 48 days
    3 Kgs starter food - 3 Kgs Quail food
  4. Age 49 days
    2 Kgs starter food - 4 Kgs Quail food
  5. Age 50 days
    1 Kg starter food - 5 Kgs Quail food
To maintain ideal weight and keep the productivity, it is better that Quails are given food with mixing starter broiler chicken food and Quail food once a week.
Tha ratio of the food is 1:1.
Maintaining Quail’s body weight will maximize the egg production volume and lengthen the productivity time.
To get high quality Quails and ready to lay egg, please contact below :
How to Treat Quails from age 30 Days Until Unproductive